Tokyo's Belly

Documentary Film by Reinhild Dettmer-Finke

2013, 70 Min. / 52 Min., Arte/WDR

For two years I lived in Tokyo – together with 36 million people. In 2011, I returned to Germany – my bags filled with images and stories about people that fill „Tokyo’s belly“. The film footage allows a look into otherwise closed places like water and sewage treatment plants. It shows sanitation workers, fishmongers, and farmers at work and illustrates the Japanese values of ritual, discipline, and belonging to a group. Since the 11th of March 2011, the perspective has shifted. In July 2012, I went back to visit the same people in Tokyo and in northeast Japan, and I asked them how things had changed. The result is a film about how this city of superlatives is supplied, at the same time delivering insight into the disaster of Fukushima and its aftermath. A film about the loss of trust in the technical and political elite and about the „anger in the belly“ of many Japanese.


Director of Photography: Rainer Hoffmann

Montage, Sound: Mike Schlömer

Music: Karl-Heinz Blomann

Interview, Research: Sonja Blaschke, Hirokawa Hanako, Keiko Onda


"Special Achievement Award 2014", Uranium Filmfestival, uraniumfilmfestival, Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai, Munich

"Award of the city of Košice and of the mayor of the city", 19. Envirofilm Festival, Slovak Republic, 2013

"Award of the city of Ostrava and of the mayor of the city", 39. Ekofilm Festival Ostrava,, Czech Republic


XIX. Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra Da Estrela, Portugal

Peace on Earth Festival, 2014

SEOUL International ECO Film Festival, 2022

Filmmor Women's Film Festival, Instanbulm 2014

ECOZine Filmfestival, Zaragoza, 2013



Tokyo Müllhalde.jpg
Tokyo Reisfarmer.jpg
Tokyo Verst.Fleisch.jpg
Tokyo Müllhalde.jpg
Tokyo Reisfarmer.jpg
Tokyo Verst.Fleisch.jpg